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The Cardiacs didn't make it easy to like their second album, too happy to let their whirligig of shattered atonal pop come apart at its seams. The band's technique for hoisting a radical thrill out of audience discomfort was pushed to extremes ("Fast Robert," "Baby Heart Dirt") and it suddenly felt forced and phony, like a poor Dadaist trying to make do in a world of Starter jackets and Technotronic. Great for those who liked staticy hip-hop, piercing keyboards, Long Ranger harmonicas, and the sound of a tape deck being clicked off, less so for those who didn't. ~ Dean Carlson
Two Bites Of Cherry 2.
Baby Heart Dirt 3.
The Leader Of The Starry Skies 4.
I Hold My Love In My Arms 5.
The Duck And Roger The Horse 6.
Arnald 7.
Horsehead 8.
Fast Robert 9.
Mare’s Nest 10.
The Stench Of Honey 11.
Buds And Spawn 12.
The Safety Bowl 13.
The Everso Closely Guarded Line 14.
The Alphabet Business Concern